Any time to do a simple exercise

21/05/2013 11:05

First layer: activity movement. Views: several times a day. Hours: Daily accumulated added than 30 minutes. Strength: moderate. Such activities cover walking, amount climbing, free run 2 cycling to work, gardening, housework, shopping, shopping. The experts say the best walking, cycling and gardening. If you usually do not accept the befalling to do gardening, walking and cycling, the best time to attach to added than 30 minutes. Housework, window cleaning, mopping, abrasion clothes is a acceptable sport. "

Second layer: stretching exercises. Views: 5-7 times a week. Time :6-10 action, each lasting 30 seconds. Strength: extended to a sense of taut. Such campaigns include yoga, stretch action, calisthenics, Ba Duan Jin and so on. Office workers should do more stretching on the back of the neck, such as standing against the wall, his hands along the wall the upward stretch Climbing Movement; fist stretching his hands behind his back; hand over his head, waist bend, stretch abdomen.

The third layer: aerobic exercise and leisure.  Nike Free Run 3.0 V4 Men Shoe Views: 3-5 times per week. Time: 20 minutes each. Strength: MIDHIGH. Aerobic exercise, jogging, cycling, swimming, hiking, aerobics, aerobics, etc.; recreational sports including tennis, basketball, golf ball.